When I heard Urbandub’s single “Come” for the first time on the radio, (which was a very long time ago) I never imagined they were local artists. The shock came to me when the song ended, when the DJ then had the usual spiel: “That song was brought to you by (Whatever beer) and that was the song Come from the band from Cebu, Urbandub”. Well up unto this day, five albums and a lot of hit singles after, Urbandub has never since failed to impress me and make me proud to know that they’re from the same country where I come from.
Since then I’ve come to experience the same with a lot of new artists that have emerged in the local music scene through the years. Only proves to show that OPM is in itself world-class. In this post I wouldn’t want to talk about Arnel Pineda and Charice Pempengco or Christian Bautista who’s probably more popular in Indonesia than here in the Philippines; you probably already had much of that from your entertainment news and your boring YouTube afternoons. Rather I would like to share with you some of today’s Pinoy artists that could give you similar experiences of amazement in realizing that they’re actually homegrown. And if some on this list are artists you’ve never heard before – I suggest that you start listening to them now.
The Out of Body Special – The band which can give you almost everything from its fusion of rock, deep funk, soul, R&B, jazz and latin will make you wonder how the hell they’ve managed to actually pull it off not mentioning adding to the formula the band’s front man Carlos Magno’s boastful and legit rhymes. Believe me, I’ve already tried making other people (those who’ve never heard of them before) listen to a few tracks from their 2007 release “Love Is” and then after revealing that they’re from around here: “Talaga??”
The Ambassadors- The punk rock outfit from Cebu could easily be mistaken for an American punk band. I really believe when they say Cebuanos speak better English than people from other parts of the Philippines. And they make some of the best Filipino punk music too!
The Camerawalls – If Orange and Lemons were The Beatles, then Clementine Castro was Lennon. I dunno, I just had to say that. Even though everybody knew who Clem was already even before the formation of The Camerawalls (after Orange and Lemons disbanded), when they released their first single “Clinically Dead for Sixteen Hours”, the reception was not “Oh It is Clem with his new band” but it was like “Oh this is Clem?! I knew he could do way better on his own.” But we need to admit, we all still miss Orange and Lemons.
Outerhope –I found out about Outerhope on facebook, after clicking the “Become a fan” button and then started listening to their songs, which I ultimately enjoyed. The band’s set-up (composed of siblings Mike and Micaela Benedicto) reminded me of Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová in the movie Once, minus the love story and plus more enthusiasm because they’re a breath of fresh air for OPM.
December Avenue- I remember a friend who made me listen to one song of the band on his iPod and remember asking if the band was foreign or not. Listen to the band’s song “Time to Go” and see for yourself. Catchy piece of music, that song is.
Sinosikat?- I think it was the song “Turning My Safety Off” that was the first that I’ve heard from the band a couple of years ago. It reminded me of Jeff Buckley but with a female voice, and that made it more interesting. Sinosikat’s site describes their music as an orgy of jazz, soul, funk, rock, & sexy groovy beats matched with unparalleled skill. I could only copy paste it here, and say that I totally agree.
Urbandub- I don’t think I have to say anything more about the band, since y’all probably heard of them already and could not agree more. Anyway here’s their video for “Come” their first single off their first album release “Birth.”
Franco- If you weren’t born yesterday, then you’ve also probably already heard of Franco and his “superband” (composed of Gabby Alipe, 8 Toleran, Buhawi Meneses and Janjan Mendoza) and their hit single “Castaway”. Franco Reyes actually first wrote and performed this song (along with other songs from their recently locally released debut album) with his Florida based band “Inyo”. After Franco came to the Philippines and having the “superband” to session for some gigs in the metro, it eventually became for keeps. Thank Jah for that.
Up Dharma Down- not only was I amazed to realize that UDD’s a local band the first time I heard “Maybe” from Fragmented, but also felt the same for every release that followed. I hear they’re recording a single to be included in their third release!! But for the meantime.. enjoy this video I took from one of their gigs.. and let’s all patiently wait for their third album. (which is going to rock I tell you)
Drip- Some may think that Electronica music is relatively new in the Philippines, but Drip has been active since 2003. And they could definitely kick some international electronic act arses with their collections of songs courtesy of Arvin "Caliph8" Nogueras on turntables, Ian "Morse" Magbanua on beats and samples and Beng Calma-Alcazaren on vocals.
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Ciudad, Faspitch, Sleepwalk Circus, Daydream Cycle, Tonight We Sleep, Typecast, Taken By Cars, IMBUE NO KUDOS, April Morning Sky, Turbo Goth
Any more suggestions? Hit the Comments! :)