A carefree citizen with a penchant for daydreaming and musing the day away. Sometimes prone to criticizing without solving due to an overactive mind. Currently trying to find new ways to maximize his creative potential in order to avoid further atrophy of his “life-juice”.
Loves to venture out in search of new culinary delights. Very fond of the magic technology brings to his life.

Phoebe Gaerlan
She might not look like one but she's certainly a tech geek. She gushes over new gadgets and software updates. She spends most of her free time in front of Summer, her laptop. Aside from those, she also likes window shopping, exploring new restaurants, and going on vacations.
Glenn Ituriaga
If there's a word which means a person who tries to bring light to everything in a dry, nostalgic, self-deprecating manner, wishing there's more to life than what's blatant, and smoking a couple of Reds while at it, then that's the synonym for me.
If there's a word which means a person who tries to bring light to everything in a dry, nostalgic, self-deprecating manner, wishing there's more to life than what's blatant, and smoking a couple of Reds while at it, then that's the synonym for me.
A self-confessed almost-anything Japanese and Korean fan (particularly of cute/hot Japanese men), internet addict ("Inay, anong gusto mo, adik sa internet o adik sa alak?"), full-time procrastinator and part-narcoleptic. Always feels like she has too much yet never enough time on her hands. Rated PG: parating gutom.
I have a sporadic mind right now, so expect me to take on anything that interests me. But alongside that is my constant love for film and photography in general. Jazz music and indie rock fascinate me. I dream of becoming a yogini.
Jep Señir
Jep Señir likes music and movies – just like everybody else. Having listened to rock music for most of his adolescent life, he has just recently realized that hip hop music relaxes him. He also thinks that every film that was ever created is worth seeing; but not every film deserves recommendation. He gives thanks to the Creator for blessing the world with two sacred inventions: the guitar and the camera.
I am a swirling mass of contradictions. Fickle-minded most of the time, but when I decide on something, nothing can stop me. I love films and film making; I'm going to do one soon (fingers crossed), when I'm ready (excuses), but for now I'm happy helping my friends make their scripts come to life. I also love video arts, photography, paintings, poems, music and cats.
what others would say the opposite of the real you, but in reality, he is the real you. Who is hidden but purely the person who you want to be.
My name is Erik, with a k, not with a c, nor ck, but K. I believe that what
we know about the potentials of Filipino culture as well as foreign are
based on how we look at things. In equation:
Positive things + Negative things = Purpose
I believe that all things has its way of speaking to our minds.
We only have to see its purpose for each of us.
Gervic doesn't claim to be anything. She just thinks that Pinoy underground has so much potential but should remain underground because it will lose all its artistic and deep musical sense once it is seen in the mainstream with cute and pop-ish image brought by the business corporations and jejemons. She is also not a fan of popular and CGI-heavy films and she likes to day dream for three days after watching a coming-of-age film as she imagines herself as the sidekick of the protagonist.