Too much has been said. All leads to the idea that no one wanted what happened last August 23, 2010. Still there are points that need to be reiterated over and over again.
ONE. Please stop blaming the police alone. The fact that they were there to gamble their lives is brave enough. They were there in their uniforms because they have the passion to serve and defend the people who need them. Their lack of proper equipment and training is what brought them down. They were not born with all the skills of being a policeman. They need to be trained. They need proper equipment. Sadly, our government failed to provide our cops sufficient training and equipment. And the media, ever so powerful, stirred up the heat.
TWO. Don’t speak as if the hostage-taker represents the Philippines. We are known for our hospitality and forever we shall hold such value. I strongly believe the hostage-taker himself didn’t plan everything that happened after sunset. He was just driven by his mind, operated by confusion and desperation. The authorities could have handled this situation using more logic and less violence.
THREE. To my countrymen: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Stop posting and re-posting the pictures of those teenagers posing like tourists at the crime scene. Same goes to the policemen-playing-online-games images. Do we really think we need a joke right now? We’ve done enough shameful acts for all the world to see. They already know that we are not the brightest people in this planet. Let’s not give them more justification.
FOUR. The note entitled Postscripts to a Blood Bath is a hoax. Again, we can now stop defending our title as THE World’s Most Stupid People because the runners-up are way too far from our lead. This was posted a day after the devastating incident happened. A victim of a bloody hostage-taking will not log on to the internet and type a blog entry right after his traumatic experience. In reality, he will be under the care of the people in-charge because he was traumatized and he needs a lot of rest. Also, I don’t think these people can write English that well. Not that I am judging them or anything.
FIVE. Venus Raj’s answer is the not the best. We obviously expected more. There is a reason why it's called a beauty pageant and not battle of the brains. We can’t blame her if she thinks she is Miss Perfect and she can’t blame us if our lives isn’t as ideal as hers. She is not the only one who failed to deliver a satisfying answer to this question. What matters is that at the end of the day, she’s still number 5 among the most beautiful women in the world and for what it’s worth, she picked up our flag from the dump.
I am just a nobody but I’m pretty sure that the whole country admits we made a mistake and deep inside, we all feel terrible because of what happened. We are sad too and we wish we could all just wake up from this nightmare. I wish an apology could take away all the hurt, especially to the families of those who were killed. Other countries screw up too. I guess this is our time. It is during incidents like this that our country’s esteem is beyond low. This is the kind of situation that we needed to strongly speak those words that we’ve obligated ourselves to shout whenever Pacquiao wins a fight – we are proud to be Filipinos.
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